
  • Published with 11ty.

  • Template:

    • Eleventy Excellent designed by Lene Saile. It’s opinionated but easy to use. I found it to be architected in a way that I hadn’t seen before, which is why I wanted to try this template out. It’s been a great learning experience.
  • Fonts:

    • Header: Fraunces is a display, “Old Style” soft-serif typeface inspired by the mannerisms of early 20th century typefaces such as Windsor, Souvenir, and the Cooper Series.
    • Body - Sans Serif: Lexend Deca The Lexend family of fonts are intended to reduce visual stress and so improve reading performance. Initially they were designed with dyslexia and struggling readers in mind, but Bonnie Shaver-Troup, creator of the Lexend project, soon found out that these fonts are also great for everyone else.
    • Code: Victor Mono is an open-source monospaced font with optional semi-connected cursive italics and programming symbol ligatures. The typeface is slender, crisp and narrow, with a large x-height and clear punctuation, making it legible and ideal for code. It was designed by Rune B. (It’s also my preferred font for coding!)

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    Peculiar Monster is located in Delaware, the traditional lands of the Lenapehoking people.