This, That, and the Other

Reading time: about 2 min.
television  books  knitting  singing 

I started watching Shōgun last night just so I could understand the memes. Also because my husband told me what a great show it was–and he’s also my unofficial educator on Japanese history because he knows a hell of a lot more about it than I do. He also thinks it’s what Game of Thrones should have been, which well, neither the show-runners or GRRM have been able to stick the landing on GoT, so I’m leaning towards P.'s assessment (never got past the first episode of GoT–too rapey). But so far, I agree with the memes. The Anjin knows nothing. Perhaps GRRM is also like the Anjin, and knows nothing.

I’ve just started reading Seth Dickinson’s Exordia, and what a wild ride it is. The plot’s just cracking along and I’m not sure how he’s going to sustain it, but I expect he will. Anna’s a difficult and unlikable protagonist and I love her. She’s a good culture fit for me.

Finally, I am finding myself having to face the feather and fan counting boss fight too often on my current knitting project and it’s honestly making me so mad. Feather and Fan is an easy lace pattern! Why am I having to count and recount and recount again and rip things out multiple times to make it go? I just need to do one more section and then I have the last little bit of the end of the shawl, and then I need to pick up something like 1,000 stitches for the border. Cause I guess I like my knitting to hurt. Did I also mention that this thing uses 12 mini-skeins and 1 main color? And you canst on from the center with five-fold symmetry? It’ll be worth it when it’s done, but right now, I am in murder mode with it.

Chorale is going really well. We don’t have that many rehearsals left before the concert on June 2 and I’m trying to cram a lot of music into my head while I’m driving and I keep reminding myself that I do not need to be the loudest and if I don’t think I can hit a note, it’s better to just mouth the word(s); we have a couple of pieces with Alto parts up in Soprano ranges and I’m sorry, that’s just wrong.

Everyone is so lovely and kind and I feel like I can be exactly myself in all my weirdness with them and after the last few years, oh what a relief that is.